In addition to advanced monitoring software, we also offer a wide range of services for troubleshooting and optimizing database environments
The offer is addressed to customers requiring a comprehensive service, focusing on dynamic development, often implementing new software functionalities, which most often cause performance problems. As part of the service, we take responsibility for the performance of databases.
The service involves maintaining the agreed performance over a specified period of time. The most important aspect of the service is continuous monitoring of database performance and reporting of database performance indicators that are used to prepare for changes. After the client accepts the proposed changes, we implement them. The quality of services is guaranteed by constantly comparing the assumed performance indicators with the parameters expected by the client.
The experience of our specialists gained in many environments on various platforms indicates that most performance problems are repeatable over time, regardless of the costs incurred for the hardware environment in which they work.
The basis of our optimization method is to collect as much information as possible about the operation of the database within a given time period. After analyzing this data, we are able to pinpoint the source of the performance problem, which may be caused by too long reading times from disk devices or poor SQL query syntax. Using DBPLUS Performance Monitor, we measure this time and show with an accuracy down to the second whether the problem is on the database side or on the disk system side, and therefore we can show the queries responsible for performance problems as a function of time.
Business application providers often look for ad hoc problems, i.e. looking at the problem from the point of view of the application only, instead of trying to optimize the entire system, i.e. the application and the database running under it. A common problem is changing the execution plan for SQL queries that are not monitored by application owners. Typical database administration tools do not provide detailed statistics on the load on individual database elements, I/O operations or the operating system. Additionally, in order to draw the right conclusions about the database’s operation, it is necessary to analyze its operation over a longer period of time and rely on trends indicating improvement or deterioration of its performance.
By combining our skills and experience with a dedicated tool, DBPLUS Performance Monitor, we are able to prepare a plan for optimizing queries and database structures and prepare recommendations for optimizing business processes.
As a result, we achieve up to 100-fold acceleration of the work of business applications without significant modification of their code and the involvement of programming departments.
If you have any questions regarding Database Optimization Services, please do not hesitate to contact us!